Sunday, July 31, 2011

Harry Potter 3D

In my life watching 3D movie is something new. Last Friday i watched Harry Potter7 3D movie and it was for the first time. My friend, Nurul who asked me to watch it. I told her i was reluctant for watching Harry Potter Movie as i ever watched the DVD and yet for 3D i had never seen it, so i decided to watch it.

Watching 3D movie, we're given 3D glasses... we got the second line seat. At that time the seat was fully booked only left the front seat. When the movie was begun i used the glasses. I felt it was a bit annoyed.
What makes it different with ordinary movie is, we involve with the scene. I mean, when the scene goes down we feel it. We feel the sensation. We feel as going down as the scene did.
Once i opened my glasses and saw the picture wasn't clear, so we don't have to take off the glasses to enjoy 3D Movie (you said "of course"). 

Or i can say, if you ever been to Dufan and enjoy one of the spot or recreational facilities just like "Journey to the centre of  earth" it feels like that .... but in Dufan only the seats that sway no glasses.
I really enjoy 3D movie and yet the glasses so bothers me. I was a bit scuffed around my temples (pelipis-red)... I want the 3D Movie without using the glasses, can we make it? And what do you think about it my friends?

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